Satire on Feminism

In respectively modern times, the belief that women are just as capable as men has sparked women’s rights activism across the American nation. Women’s rights activists began their fight to rid America of sexual discrimination in Seneca Falls, 1848 when the first women’s rights convention took place. Their hard work finally progressed with the ratification of the 19th amendment, giving them the right to vote. Though women were granted voting rights, sexual prejudices continued and still continues to this very day. In their battle against sexism, women’s rights activists attempt to pass laws in hopes to decrease sexual prejudice and increase female opportunities.

As of 2014, there are several things that favor men over women. One of the many biased affairs are jobs. Men are given jobs over women due to their irrational fear of loosing their title as the “superior” race. Another problem related to the work force are male wages versus female wages. A woman earns merely 77¢ to a man’s dollar for the same job. Thankfully, there are several ongoing campaigns to stop these absurdities.

As you may or may not have heard, a feminist movement called “Free the Nipples” is currently at large. Starting small from a short video on Youtube, it quickly went viral.  The idea is to legalize the public nudity of women. The video preaches that it shouldn’t be legal for a man to walk on a hot summer’s day shirtless, yet have a woman get arrested for doing the same thing. It brings up valid points and arguments to ponder, such as the fact that violence in the media and in movies are tolerated, yet “nudity is discouraged.” This is the first step towards making men and woman equal, not only at work but also in the streets.

People love the idea of “Free the Nipple,” and celebrities such as Miley Cyrus campaign for the cause and support it wholeheartedly. She posts pictures on the media supporting the campaign, urging her fans to join her in the fight to free the nipples. “Guys get to show their titties on the beach, why can’t we,” she asked. “I don’t understand the double standard of life.” Preach it, Miley!

“Freeing the Nipple” will cause all sorts of ripple effects.  If everyone just walked around naked, it would increase confidence and decrease amounts of rape as well. Nudity would become casual, and neither women nor men would be harassed about their bodies. As feminist Susan Brownmiller rightfully states, “Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear.” This wouldn’t even have to be a thought if “Free the Nipple” works out!

If you think about it, there are only two possible ways to solve the inequality of men being the only sex able to walk around shirtless. Either we make it a rule to keep all of their shirts on, or we urge women to take their’s off. The only real compromise is to do the latter. Trying to get men to put their shirts back on is out of the question, because this is a free country and they’ve been doing it for years, so why stop now? And if it truly is a free country…shirts off, ladies!

One can only hope that more astute, bold women step up to the the plate and continue starting more movements such as “Free the Nipples.” Soon, pay between men and women will be equal and there will be no reason to fret over sexism and inequality. As some feminists say, “it’s one small shirt to take off, one giant leap for woman kind!”